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Stud Dogs

Devonshire Bright
Devonshire Bright is a proven experienced stud dog and is gentle and polite with first-timers. He’s produced some outstanding litters and knows his job well. He has a great temperament to match his good looks and natural ability as a gundog.
Verified Health Tests
BVA Eye Examination Certificate
Clinically Unaffected 07.01.21
HC - Clear
PLL - Clear
POAG - Clear
PRA - Clear
RPED - Clear
BVA Hip Score - 0/0
Devonshire Bright
Kaminaki Bright
First pick from Devonshire Bright x Ruby's Magical Millie litter, he's a lovable, biddable young dog who's taking well to his training and family life.
Verified Health Tests
BVA Eye Examination Certificate
Clinically Unaffected 07.01.21
HC - Clear
PLL - Clear
POAG - Clear
PRA - Clear
RPED - Clear

Kaminaki Bright
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